Angola facilitates small-scale trade with neighbours

Angola has introduced new legislation to facilitate small-scale cross-border trade with neighbouring countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Namibia, in agricultural and industrial goods.

Presidential Decree 210/18 approved the new Border Trade Legislation beginning as from September 11th. It was made available to CLBrief by Legis-PALOP+TL data base . It creates an exemption for foreign trade carried out by persons resident in the Administrative Regions of Angola close to the borders with these countries.

The new legislation exempts border trade operations from payment of customs duties if they are small-scale, for self-consumption or subsistence goods. This trade has a maximum value based on the national minimum wage, per day and per beneficiary. It is not for commercial purposes.

The products covered are those obtained from agriculture, fisheries and livestock in Angola and industrial products manufactured in Angola intended for self-consumption, as well as imported food products.

Not included are trade operations that are repeated and regular, with a commercial purpose, as well as commercial operations whose quantity and value exceed the designated limits. For these, the normal rules on foreign trade operations apply.

Also excluded are products such as cement and clinker, fuels and their derivatives, as well as trade of fauna and flora that are protected.

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