ApexBrasil Opens Call for Mission to Internationalize Startups in China


ApexBrasil, in partnership with the Consulate of Brazil in Shanghai, Venture Cup China and Hicool, will carry out a face-to-face mission to the China-Brazil Innovation Week & Hicool Global Enrepreneurship Summit 2023.

The Mission’s agenda is focused on business opportunities, attracting investment for startups, possibilities for partnerships and networking with important players in the Chinese innovation and technology ecosystem, such as investors, accelerators, tech parks and companies.

The objective of the participation of Brazilian institutions is to introduce the innovation ecosystem in Brazil to the main players in the Chinese ecosystem, build institutional relationships, accelerating mutual cooperation between two markets.

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The selected group will consist of the eight best-placed institutions in the selection process, which will have access to participate in the China-Brazil Innovation Week 2023 program, technical visits to innovation hubs, two credentials for Hicool Global Entrepreneurship Summit, ground support in logistics and the possibility networking with the business delegation.

Until June 30th, registration is open for the public call that will select public or private Brazilian institutions that work in support and/or service to technology-based companies (accelerators, research and development institutions, technology parks, universities…) for the Internationalization Mission to China, which will take place between August 15th and 27th, 2023.

The program, in Shanghai and Beijing, includes participation in the IV China-Brazil Innovation Week, technical visits, business roundtables DemoDay for investors and exposure at Hicool Summit 2023.

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After three hybrid editions, the China-Brazil Innovation Week event debuts in 2023 in a format with greater in-person participation, offering international experience and connection between the Brazilian and Chinese innovation ecosystems.

This initiative falls within the scope of the Innovation Diplomacy Program (PDI) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which develops actions to raise Brazil’s profile in foreign innovation ecosystems, aiming, among other aspects, to identify partnerships, attract investments and support the internationalization of startups.

The Hicool Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2023  will be held in Beijing from August 26th to 28th. The Summit invites startups, important national and foreign investment institutions, corporate innovation centers, unicorns, international innovation organizations, ecosystem partners, media, etc.


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