Bank of China To Be Strategic Partner in Angola Business Support Center


Bank of China (BoC) will be a strategic partner in Angola´s new ‘business support center’, where businessmen will have access to multiple State services.

The project will be implemented under a new partnsership agreement between BoC and the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce in Luanda, according to public broadcaster TPA.

Luís Cupenala said that BoC will be a strategic partner in Angola’s new ‘center for business support’, integrating various State services in Luanda province.

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BoC Luanda Branch officials quoted by TPA said the bank is already financing projects connected to Angola’s import substitution plan (PRODESI) and agriculture and that one of its main goals is to finance projects and business by chinese businessmen in the African country, fostering the diversification of the local economy.

BoC’s Angola branch was launched in 2017, focusing on supporting Chinese business in the country.

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