Brazil Suspends Meat Exports to China from Two Major Producers


Brazil´s Ministry of Agriculture has suspended two major slaughterhouses, owned by JBS and Agra, from exporting to China, due to concern about Covid-19 cases among its workers.


After a slaughterhouse operated by Agra in Mato Grosso do Sul province had its license to export to China suspended, the Ministry of Agriculture did the same with JBS´ slaughterhouse in Passo Fundo (Rio Grande do Sul province), which produces chicken meat. According to Brazilian newspaper Valor Economico, in both cases the licenses were taken because of cases of Covid-19 among workers.


More slaughterhouses will have exports to China suspended by the ministry in the coming days, according to the newspaper.


With voluntary suspensions, the Ministry of Agriculture is trying to respond to the greater control measures adopted by China in recent weeks to prevent a second wave of Covid-19.


In the poultry and pork sectors alone, Brazilian exports to China may surpass 1 million tonnes in 2020, compared to 834,000 tonnes shipped last year, according to the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA).


Chinese health officials  have warned Brazil to automatically suspend all exports from companies that are affected by Covid-19 cases.



Photo: Ministry of Agriculture, Brasil

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