Brazilian City of Recife Strengthening Ties to Guangzhou


The Brazilian city of Recife is strengthening its ties with Guangzhou, in southern China, according to officials from both cities.

The deputy mayor of Recife, Isabella de Roldão, said that the state capital intends to expand the partnership with its twin city Guangzhou, in Guangdong Province, in areas such as reducing emissions.

Speaking during an online forum on exchanges between municipal governments in China and northeastern Brazil, the official also said that soon there will be educational exchanges between the twin cities, which will provide young Brazilians with the opportunity to learn more about China.

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In the same event, Zhan Decun, director of the Guangzhou municipal government’s foreign affairs department, said the city is ready to expand cooperation with Recife and other Brazilian cities under the Belt and Road initiative.

Yan Yuqing, China’s consul general in Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, said that ties are “deepening in northeastern Brazil, with regional governments wanting to expand their relationship with China in different areas, such as trade and agricultural products, infrastructure and new energies”.

China has been Brazil’s biggest trading partner for many years, and its trade volume increased in 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Yan. Officials from other Chinese and Brazilian cities, including Dalian in Liaoning Province in northeast China and Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará, also participated in the online event.

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