Brazil´s meat industry invested USD190 million in safety and hygiene since start of pandemic


Brazilian companies invested more than 1 billion reais (USD 190 million) since the beginning of the pandemic to ensure the safety and hygiene of their meat and egg products, which have China as their main client.

Ricardo João Santin, president of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), told Xinhua that the strong and complementary cooperation between China and Brazil in the food sector has established a reliable and sustainable partnership.

As the world’s largest exporter of agricultural products, Brazil’s agribusiness sector has had a difficult time in 2021 due to high prices for soy and corn and the logistical obstacles induced by the pandemic. The poultry and pork sector was no exception.

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ABPA appointed its first representative to China three years ago, with the aim of better serving the demand of the Chinese market and understanding it better. It currently has four offices around the world, including two in Brazil, one in Beijing and one in Brussels.

Santin said he was willing to show more Brazilian brands to China.

With around 140 members from the entire poultry, swine and egg agribusiness production chain, ABPA aims to promote solid international business practices in the poultry and swine sector.


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