Business Opportunities: Cabo Verde


Tenders for new infrastructure projects in Cabo Verde have been opened by the Government and foreign representations.


Government agency Infraestruturas de Cabo Verde made public a tender for the execution of the contract for the remodeling of the building belonging to the Registry Office on the island of São Vicente. The entity responsible for conducting the procedure will be the Directorate of Projects and Tenders for Infrastructure in Cape Verde, Ministry of Infrastructure, Planning and Housing and the award criterion will be that of the most economically advantageous tender. (READ MORE)


Infraestruturas de Cabo Verde has also launched a tender for the contract for the construction of the National Police Station in Monte Sossego, on São Vicente Island. Tenders must be submitted until July 2, 2020. (READ MORE)


The Food and Agriculture Organization Office in Cabo Verde has announced a tender for the rehabilitation of a forestry project on the island of Santiago is open (INIDA, Rui Vaz and Tarrafal). The Competition Announcement Dossier (Invitation à Soumissionner – ITB), other documents and information related to the competition are available. (READ MORE)

Photo of Mindelo, Cabo Verde | © Geostar

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