Business opportunities in Cabo Verde


With its economy expected to grow above 5% this year, Cabo Verde is generating multiple business opportunities. CLBrief presents three of the most recent, in construction and agriculture.


The Outra Banda S. Filipe Hydro-Agricultural Project on Fogo Island was launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment through the Programme for the Promotion of Rural Socioeconomic Opportunities (POSER), located in the country’s capital, Praia.


POSER is the competent body for the decision to hire and authorise expense, as well as conducting the procedure for the “supply, installation and commissioning of a photovoltaic pumping system and the construction of hydraulic infrastructure” in the locality of Outra Banda, Fogo.


The project is divided into two lots: one for supply and installation of a photovoltaic water pumping system, and one for construction of hydraulic infrastructure, supply and installation of hydraulic equipment.


POSER is to schedule a mandatory visit to the place of intervention, for the correct dimensioning and elaboration of the proposal. The deadline for the execution of the work will be determined by the bidder and begins to count from the date of consignment.


The tender documents can be collected at the headquarters of the Coordination Unit of the Programme for the Promotion of Rural Socioeconomic Opportunities (UCP-POSER), located at Achada de São Filipe, Campus DGASP-MAA.


For submission of proposals, each competitor must acquire the dossier of the competition (CVE 5,000; US$51), under penalty of non-admission.


Proposals with variants are not allowed, accompanying documents will be submitted in accordance with the established rules of the tender programme, and must be written in Portuguese.


Interested parties must submit their proposals by 10:30 am on 7 April at the UCP-POSER headquarters in São Filipe and competitors are bound to maintain the proposals for a period of 90 days.


The evaluation and classification of proposals will obey the criterion of the economically most advantageous technical proposal. Deposits and guarantees for maintaining the good performance proposal and postponement are required.


The public opening of the tenders will take place at UCP-POSER headquarters on 7 April, with the participation of all competitors and the representatives of the competitors duly accredited for the purpose.


Other business opportunities are emerging in the construction sector.


In the capital of Praia, Santiago Island, a competition is already underway for the remodelling of the Court of Auditors (Tribunal de Contas) building.


The contracting authority is state company Infraestruturas de Cabo Verde, SA (ICV), and the entity responsible for conducting the procedure will be the Director of Projects and Tenders (DPC) of Infrastructures of Cabo Verde, Ministry of Infrastructure, Spatial Planning and Housing (MIOTH).


The expenses inherent to the conclusion of the contract are financed by the government.


The execution period will be seven months, counting from the date of consignment of the work and the base price cannot be over CVE 50 million (US$514,000).


Proposals must be submitted by 10:30 am on 25 March, and the public act for the opening of tenders will take place in the same day, in a public session at the MIOTH headquarters in Praia.


The award criterion is that of the most economically advantageous tender and competitors are bound to maintain the proposals for a period of 120 days after the opening date.


Also in the construction sector, is ongoing the bid for the contract of renovation in São Sebastião Neighbourhood, municipality of Ribeira Grande de Santiago, Santiago Island.


The contracting authority is ICV and the entity responsible for conducting the procedure is the same as the Court of Auditors remodel, the DPC of Infrastructures of Cabo Verde, MIOTH.


The expenses inherent to the conclusion of the contract will be financed by the government of Cabo Verde, and the proposed price cannot exceed the base price of CVE 25 million (US$257,000).


Aiming at the renovation of São Sebastião Neighbourhood, the contract will have an execution of four months, counting from the date of consignment of the work.


In order to submit proposals, each competitor must purchase the tender documents (CVE 30,000; US$309), under penalty of no admission. Proposals must be submitted by 9 am on 25 March, at the MIOTH headquarters in Praia; they will be opened in the same day, in a public session.


The award criterion is that of the most economically advantageous tender. Competitors are bound to maintain the proposals for a period of 120 days after the opening date.


The government of Cabo Verde expects economic growth in the range of 4.8% to 5.8% by 2020 and a reduction in the weight of public debt to 118.5% of GDP, down by 1.5 percentage points from this year (120%), and the unemployment rate should fall from the current 12% to 11.4%.


These estimates were made prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.


Photo of Fogo Island | © Wildlife of Africa

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