Cabo Verde Minister of Health to take over Embassy in Beijing


Cabo Verde´s Minister of Health Arlindo do Rosário is set to take over the country´s Embassy in Beijing, currently vacant.

Prime minister Ulisses Correia e Silva has already accepted the resignation of the Minister of Health, who asked to leave the Government, after a very intense and stressful period due to the covid-19 pandemic, local newspaper A Nação reported.

The same source adds that reserved for Rosário is the post of ambassador in Beijing, China, vacant since late 2021, with the exoneration of Tânia Romualdo.

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Since early 2022, Romualdo is the National Director for Foreign Policy at Cabo Verde´s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rosário has a degree in Medicine at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and a Specialization in General Pediatrics at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo (Brazil).

He was a General Practitioner at the Ribeira Grande Health Department from 1989/1994, Health Delegate of the Municipality of Ribeira Grande-Santo Antão from 1992/1994, Pediatrician at the Santo Antão Regional Hospital since 1997, Director of the Santo Antão Regional Hospital, 2001/2011, National Deputy from 2011/2016, Member of the Supervisory Team of the General Directorate of Health and Member of the National Medicines Commission.


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