Cabo Verde Wants 250K doses of Covid-19 Vaccine from China


Cabo Verde wants 250 thousand more doses of Covid-19 vaccine from China, the Government has said.

After the African country received 50 thousand Sinopharm vaccine doses, the  health minister, Arlindo do Rosário, said on friday that negotiations are ongoing for 250 thousand doses more from China.

The official ceremony for delivery of the 50,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccines was attended by the prime minister of Cabo Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva, and the Chinese ambassador, Du Xiaoncong.

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According to Rosario, the donation from China comes at a time the country is in the process of accelerating vaccination, aiming to reach the target of 70% of the population vaccinated by the end of the year.

“This donation comes exactly along these lines and will help us to achieve the goal”, the minister said.

“In addition to everything that has been done via the Covax platform, this work in terms of bilateral relations with several countries, namely with China, has been bearing fruit”, Rosário said.

With the new batch of Chinese vaccine, the archipelago now has more than 200,000 doses of vaccines, enough to immunize more than 30% of the population eligible for anti-covid-19 vaccination, according to the minister.


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