Cabo Verde Wants Chinese Support to Develop Health Tourism


The Government of Cabo Verde wants to develop health tourism and the pharmaceutical industry, which it believes has an important development potential in the country, namely for the African continent market.

Speaking on Friday at the inauguration of the new hemodialysis center at Hospital Baptista de Sousa, on the island of São Vicente, whose construction was co-financed by Portugal, Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva said that the infrastructure could also include “assembly and maintenance of health equipment”, as well as the “creation of a center for the certification of medicines and medical procedures in Cape Verde”.

The Head of Government referred to the various investments underway or planned in the health sector in the country, namely with the support of Portugal and China.

“We will continue to invest in health, in the health of Cape Verdeans. To reduce regional asymmetries in health services, which continue to be important”, he acknowledged.


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