Campaign to Promote Portugal’s Agri-food Sector Kicks Off in China


“Tales of Portugal”, a new campaign to promote the European country’s agri-food sector in China, officially kicked off this week.

In the first action of the campaign, journalists from lifestyle platforms were invited to a gastronomic tasting in two Portuguese restaurants in China (the first in Shanghai and the second in Guangzhou), accompanied by a presentation in Mandarin.

In the case of Shanghai, the event took place at the TABU restaurant, owned by Chef Paulo Luís, who presented a menu representing the Portuguese gastronomic diversity.

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Other than serving various types of fish, seafood and meat, as well as pairing them with liqueurs (Madeira, Port and Aguardente) and table wines (green and red), the table was assembled with the famed Cutipol cutlery.

The platform chosen for the publication of the first article, Shanghai STYLE上海有腔调, focuses on restaurants, shops and museums in the Chinese city, with over 1.4 million followers on its official WeChat page, according to Portugal’s trade agency, Aicep.

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