Capital Airlines Increases Weekly Flights Between China and Portugal

By: Jessica Ferreira

Beijing Capital Airlines announced that it will increase its operation between Hangzhou, in China, and Lisbon, in Portugal, to four flights a week.

The announcement was made this Tuesday, by Coral Chen, director of Beijing Capital Airlines in Portugal, during a ceremony held at Lisbon Airport which also marked the 100th anniversary of the first flight between Portugal and China.

According to the official, the Beijing Capital Airlines flights, which launched in 2017, has contributed to “strengthening the relationship between Portugal and China”, particularly in terms of trade and in promoting tourism.

Beijing Capital Airlines to resume China-Portugal direct flights

The ceremony was also attended by Thierry Ligonniére, CEO of ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, who highlighted the challenges that Lisbon airport has been facing, particularly in terms of capacity, informing that the infrastructure is “struggling to find space for Beijing Capital Airlines to develop, as well as other airlines”.

Beijing Capital Airlines began operations to Portugal in 2017, initially operating three weekly flights to Xi’an, a destination that was later changed to Hangzhou.

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