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São Tomé e Príncipe
06 April 2021
Jordanian Businessman Vows to Invest USD 1.3 billion in Sao Tome Free Trade Zone
The Government of Sao Tome e Principe signed with investor Shehab Shanti a concession contract for the development of the Malanza Free Trade Zone (FTZ), south of São Tomé, valued at USD 1.3 billion.
02 March 2021
VAT Tax and Energy Sector Reforms “Crucial” for São Tomé – IMF
The launch of a Value-Added Tax (VAT) and energy sector reforms will be "crucial" for São Tomé e Príncipe for post-pandemic recovery, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
11 December 2020
Debt-Relief Initiative to Benefit Angola, Cabo Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé
The G20´s Debt-Relief Initiative (DSSI), which is joined by China, will benefit Angola, Cabo Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé, according to the Paris Club.
11 December 2020
New Chinese Ambassador to São Tomé Presents Credentials
The President of São Tomé e Príncipe, Evaristo Carvalho, received this week the credentials of the new ambassador of the People's Republic of China in São Tomé and Príncipe, Xu Yingzhen.
17 November 2020
Cabo Verde Among Africa´s Best in Governance
The latest edition of the Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) places Cabo Verde as the second best country among 54 African countries, while Angola is at the bottom of the list, despite improvements.
25 September 2020
China´s First Ambassador to São Tomé Ends Mission
China´s first ambassador to São Tomé and Príncipe after bilateral relations resumed in December 2016, Wang Wei, is ending his mission with acclamation from local authorities.
16 September 2020
US-Africa Trade Dominated by “Growing Rivalry with China” – Economist
US-Africa Trade will be dominated by the "growing rivalry with China" in the short term, with the current US administration trying to preserve its African ties, even though the continent "is not a policy priority", the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) says.
15 September 2020
Chinese Merchandise Trade With Brazil Steady in First Semester
Chinese merchandise trade with Brazil held steady in the first semester, despite the global economic downturn, according to data from China Customs.
28 July 2020
Business Environment Improvement “Critical” for Economic Recovery in Southern Africa
The COVID-19 pandemic in Southern Africa could lead to a fall of 4.9% in economic output in the region in 2020, and an improvement in business environment will be critical for the recovery, according to the African Development Bank (ADB).
30 June 2020
IMF Forecasts Recession in All Portuguese-Speaking Countries Except Mozambique
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a recession in all African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PSC) in 2020, with the exception of Mozambique.