China Leaving ‘Mark’ in Guinea-Bissau Infrastructure, Government Says


China is leaving a ‘mark’ in Guinea-Bissau infrastructure, according to the African country’s minister of State and Foreign Affairs.

“China has become a great bilateral partner, with a cooperation strategy based on the rapid satisfaction of the needs of African countries”, minister Suzi Barbosa told in an interview.

“It has marked its cooperation in Guinea-Bissau with the construction of infrastructure, from buildings, stadiums, roads”, the minister added.

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In the interview, Barbosa adds that Guinea-Bissau “has found new cooperation partners in Turkey and the Gulf countries, with the opening of diplomatic missions for the first time in Turkey and Qatar, and reciprocity is expected soon”.

Regarding Portugal, the former colonial power, the minister recalled that in January of this year, both countries signed a Strategic Cooperation Plan, worth EUR 60 million.

“In this context several sectoral agreements have already been signed (between Portugal and Guinea-Bissau), namely in the areas of Health, Education, Public Administration and next will be Defense”, Barbosa said.

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