China-Lusophone Countries Business Gathering Kicks Off in Luanda With Macau Delegation

A delegation of 40 entrepreneurs organised by Macau´s Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) will attend the Entrepreneurs Meeting for Commercial and Economic Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, starting today in Luanda.

Other than the meeting in the Angolan capital, which lasts until 26 July, the delegation will atted the “Macao-Hengqin Investment Promotion Seminar (Mozambique)” to be held on 29 July, according to a statement by IPIM.

The delegation will participate in a series of business activities, including the International Fair of Luanda (FILDA), which is the largest and most influential comprehensive expo in southwest Africa, various economic and trade promotion activities, business matching sessions, and field inspections, in order to build the bridges for co-operation between Chinese and Portuguese-speaking countries’ enterprises.

“It is also hoped to attract high-quality projects in PSCs to make full use of Macao-Hengqin business advantages and Macao’s unique role as the “Commercial and Trade Co-operation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” to deepen the business exchanges between China and PSCs”, IPIM said in a statement.

The delegation is composed of representatives of chambers of commerce and entrepreneurs from mainland China, Macao and Hengqin engaging in businesses including modern financial services, big health, high technology, trade and retail, new energy, infrastructure and other industries.

The Entrepreneurs Meeting for Commercial and Economic Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries is an enterprise co-operation project held under the framework for co-operation of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, signed between mainland China’s trade promotion agencies and their counterparts in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Macao, during the meeting held in October 2003.

The Meeting has been held in Portuguese-speaking countries since 2005 on a rotating basis. So far, 14 editions have been held, attracting more than 5,800 Chinese and PSCs entrepreneur participants. Cumulatively, over 3,600 business matching sessions have been arranged and over 100 co-operation projects have been signed, involving fields such as infrastructure, finance, food, agriculture, tourism and trade. This year’s Meeting will be held in Luanda, the capital of Angola. And it will be the third time for Angola to host the Meeting since the project’s inception.


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