China Portuguese-Speaking Countries Development Fund Looking for Projects in Cabo Verde


The China Portuguese-Speaking Countries Cooperation and Development Fund (CPD Fund) is looking for projects to support in Cabo Verde, where business leaders are eager for new financing mechanisms.

The general manager of the CPD Fund, Li Na, visited Cabo Verde this week to identify projects and highlighting its capacity to fund projects tailored to small island economies.

At the Chamber of Commerce of Sotavento (CCS), Li presented the products and services of the CPD Fund to local businessmen, in order to proceed to the prospecting of projects eligible for funding.

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Established in 2010, the CPD Fund, according to Li, aims to promote economic and commercial cooperation, business, environmental protection, social responsibility and social development between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries.

The presentation ceremony of the CPD Fund was considered “very important” by the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Sotavento, Marco Rodrigues.

The forms of access to the Fund and the possible percentages of funding were some of the issues raised and that Rodrigues considered decisive.

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“It has not been easy for Cabo Verde companies really to enter some funds that are appearing here and there, because the demand for investment exceeds the capacity for investment at the national level”, he said.

“Our companies are often micro and small enterprises, even national medium-sized enterprises do not have such large projects that they can often go after these funds,” Rodrigues acknowledged.

He said it was necessary to work with these institutions in order for funding to be adapted to the reality of Cabo Verde.


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