China Promises ‘Door Will Continue to Open’ for European Companies


China’s minister of Commerce Wang Wentao has promised the European Chamber of Commerce in China that the ‘door will continue to open’ for European companies.

Minister Wang (pictured above) received on 19th October a European Chamber (ECCC) delegation led by Joerg Wuttke at the Ministry of Commerce, the first foreign business delegation he has received in person since the pandemic outbreak.

Minister Wang “thanked the European Chamber for its hard work in helping European business to better understand China, while acting as bridge between European business and the Chinese Government”, according to a statement from ECCC.

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Wang, the ECCC says, “also spoke highly of Chamber’s annual Position Paper and expressed a strong interest in addressing the concerns raised by members”. He said that China “welcomes European business to bring their expertise and advanced technology to support China in solving the challenges it faces in these areas”.

Joerg Wuttke thanked the Minister for the support provided to European business in China, particularly MOFCOM’s special task force for foreign business that helped many companies to resume operations after disruptions caused by the pandemic. The issues he raised during the meeting include China’s power shortage, dual circulation strategy, carbon neutrality and clean energy, among others.

“President Wuttke believes that this meeting demonstrates China’s commitment to further open up, and hopes it will give confidence to European business community at such a difficult time”, according to the ECCC.

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