China Wants its Companies to be Part of Cabo Verde´s New Special Maritime Zone – Diplomat


China wants its companies to be part of Cabo Verde´s Special Maritime Economic Zone project in São Vicente, the Asian country´s ambassador to Cabo Verde has said.

In a press article, ambassador Du Xiaocong recalls that Cabo Verde´s government defined the Blue Economy as one of the main accelerators of Cape Verde’s sustainable development and that the Special Maritime Economic Zone (SMEZ) project in São Vicente is the “pillar project” to build anInternational Maritime and Logistics Platform.

“Bearing in mind that China has been a partner of the Government of Cabo Verde until the present stage, the country wants Chinese companies to participate in the implementation of this important project”, Du Xiaocong says.

“Cabo Verde is a country of opportunities (…) strategically well located (…) between Africa, Europe and America, with political, social and economic stability and qualified human capital. The services sector, driven by tourism, has been the main sector for Cabo Verde’s growth and investment. However, the country wants to accelerate the process of diversifying the economy, not only by diversifying tourism and promoting its sustainable development, but also by developing the blue economy, the digital economy and renewable energies”, the diplomat adds.

According to Xiaocong, Cabo Verde´s participation in the last two editions of China International Import Expo (CIIE) has allowed for the promotion of its typical products.

On November 4, Cabo Verde’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Energy, Alexandre Monteiro, participated by videoconference in the opening of the 3rd CIIE, that was opened in Shanghai by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The diplomat also highlights efforts to “prepare to relaunch the economy for the post-pandemic”, including the Government developed of the “Ambition 2030 plan”, towards “a resilient and diversified economy”.

“I would like to reiterate our availability, with China being a reliable partner of Cape Verde, to defend together with Cabo Verde the principle of openness, cooperation and sharing of opportunities and to deepen pragmatic cooperation while dealing with common challenges”, Du Xiaocong says.

Cabo Verde President Jorge Carlos Fonseca announced in July the approval of the law establishing the São Vicente Special Economic Zone.


Photo: São Vicente Port

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