Chinese audiovisual brand launched in Brazil

The Chinese audiovisual brand “China Zone,” which aims at promoting Chinese audiovisual content abroad, has been launched in Brazil.

Tian Min, Chinese consul general in Rio de Janeiro, said in an online speech at the launching ceremony that the launch of “China Zone” is an important result of audiovisual cooperation between China and Brazil in the digital era.

Through “China Zone,” the Brazilian people can watch Chinese movies, TV programs, documentaries, cartoons and other audiovisual content, with Portuguese subtitles, on local platforms to learn more about China.

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“China Zone”, Tian added, will provide Brazilians with more diversified audiovisual channels, more audiovisual content options and a more direct window to learn about Chinese culture.

“China Zone” has been launched through a Brazilian company, Cultural Bridge Communications Ltd.

So far, “China Zone” has been launched on multiple new media platforms worldwide, providing Chinese audiovisual content to more than 200 countries and regions in 27 languages.


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