Chinese Customs Audit 28 Brazilian Meatpackers For Export Approval


Another 28 Brazilian meatpackers will be audited by the General Customs Administration of China (GACC) for possible authorization for export of beef, pork and poultry to the Asian country.

The review will begin next Monday (15/01) and should last up to two weeks. Meatpacking company JBS leads the list with nine units, plus two of Seara. Minerva will have a unit in Janaúba, according to the Brazilian press.

The meatpackers of the cooperatives Aurora, Languiru and Cotriguaçu will also be audited. In total, the Brazilian states with more units are Mato Grosso (5), Paraná (5), Mato grosso do Sul (4) and Rio Grande do Sul (3).

Brazilian Exports to China Highest Ever at Over USD 100 Billion

In December, Chinese officials visited 18 Brazilian plants and issued reports which are now being reviewed in Brazil. Companies involved expect that confirmation of new approvals will come this year.

Announcements of enabled plants are expected for the celebrations of the 50 years of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China throughout 2024.

In total, Brazil has 79 meatpackers for beef, pork and poultry in waiting for authorization. These plants have already presented the necessary requirements to access the Chinese market to the Brazilian government and have been included in the communication system between Brasília and Beijing.

Brazilian meat exports to China expected to resume in April

The decision, from now on, is exclusively up to the Chinese authorities.

The prospect among prospective exporters is that not all the plants visited will be enabled at once, but some believe in a mass certification.


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