Chinese E-commerce Platform JD.COM Opens “Portuguese pavilion”


Chinese e-commerce platform JD.COM has opened a “Portuguese pavilion”, which in its launch phase will be dedicated to the sale of Portuguese wines.


According to a statement by JD.COM, the opening of the “pavilion” is part of the signing of a protocol between Portugal´s trade agency, AICEP, and the Chinese e-commerce platform.


The area “will be dedicated, in a first phase, to the sale of Portuguese wines, foreseeing its extension to other national products, in a later stage of the project”, the statement adds.

Digital commerce is currently the fastest growing sales channel in China, and the initiative is seen by AICEP as a way to promote exports of Portuguese products.


PortugalFoods, the agency representing the country´s agri-food sector, is undergoing a series of a “virtual missions” to China in September, after recent similar events in other Asian countries.


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