Chinese EV maker Aiways sets start of operations in Portugal for June


Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker Aiways has set its start of operations in Portugal for June, with its SUV U5, and is set to launch a second model this year.

Aiways importer Astara, who will also be responsible for after-sales services and maintenance, expects to receive the first cars for delivery next month, according to a company statement.

The launch was initially set for the first quarter, but was delayed due to covid-19 restrictions in China, that have led to the lockdown of cities, ports and quarantines.

Chinese Electric Vehicles Aiways Arrive in Portugal

The SUV U5, with simple lines, has a battery with a useful capacity to cover 400 kilometers on an urban circuit. With a campaign price of EUR 46,728 for individuals, the SUV is offered for fleets from EUR 33,990 (excluding VAT, which can be deducted).

The Aiways U5 comes with a general factory warranty of five years or 150,000 kilometers (the batteries also have a warranty of 150,000 kilometers, but up to eight years).

Later this year, Aiways intends to introduce in the European market its new U6 (pictured above) which was shown in Portugal in the last week, and should start production soon in Shangrao.


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