Chinese Merchandise Trade With Brazil Steady in First Semester


Chinese merchandise trade with Brazil held steady in the first semester, despite the global economic downturn, according to data from China Customs.


Between January and June, China imported from Brazil good worth a total of USD 37.6 billion, 3.5% above the same period last year. Chinese exports to Brazil decreased nearly 9%, to 14.2 billion, leading total exchanges between the two countries to a slight drop of 0.25% compared with 2019.


Chinese imports from Angola dropped nearly 39%, to 7.8 billion, while exports fell 26.4%, to USD 689 million, leading to a total fall in trade of 38%.


Trade with Portugal, China´s third biggest partner in the lusophone block, was 6% lower, at USD 3.28 billion, with Chinese exports 10.3% lower than in the first semester of 2019, and imports from Portugal 2.46% higher.


In total, trade in merchandise between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries reached USD 64.598 billion in the period from January to June 2020, a 7.9 percent decline year-on-year


Portuguese-speaking Countries sold goods worth USD 46.742 billion to China in the first six months of 2020 – a fall of 7.32 percent year-on-year.


The value of China’s merchandise exports to those countries reached USD 17.856 billion in the same period, down by 9.39 percent year-on-year, according to Chinese official data.


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