Doors Open to China-Portugal Hydrogen Power Deals


Portugal wants to cooperate on hydrogen power with China, which is open to deepen ties in ​​renewable energies, the Chinese Embassy in Lisbon said.

Portugal´s Secretary of State for Energy, João Galamba (pictured above), told the new Chinese Ambassador to Lisbon, Zhao Bentang, during a videoconference, that Portugal would like to receive more Chinese investment and further cooperation with China in the energy sector to electric vehicles and hydrogen power.

According to the statement, the diplomat said that China is willing to work with Portugal to strengthen cooperation in the area of ​​renewable energies.

Zhao Bentang also stressed that bilateral cooperation has benefited not only the two countries, “but it has also borne fruit” in other markets such as Latin America and Africa.

Portugal’s EDP Group Targets Energy Storage, Green Hydrogen

REN, manager of energy networks in Portugal, announced recently that it plans to invest 40 million euros by 2024 to make the gas network compatible with hydrogen injection, which is part of the national strategy to accelerate the energy transition.

The main shareholder of REN is the Chinese state-owned electric company State Grid of China, with 25 percent of the capital.

Another Chinese state group, China Three Gorges Corporation, is the largest shareholder in Portuguese electricity company EDP – Energias de Portugal, with a 19.03 per cent stake.

In Brazil, the two companies jointly built the Santo Antônio do Jari, Cachoeira Caldeirão and São Manuel hydroelectric projects and 11 wind farms.


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