EDP Remains Portuguese Brand With Highest Financial Value


EDP Energias de Portugal, that has as main shareholder China Three Gorges (CTG), is the Portuguese brand with the highest financial value.

According to a new report by consultancy OnStratey, the top 25 most valuable Portuguese brands are led by EDP, followed by Galp Energia and Jerónimo Martins.

EDP´s financial value is estimated at  EUR 2,85 billion, a growth of over 10%.

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According to the study “Most Valuable Portuguese Brands 2021”, Galp Energia´s financial value is estimated at 1,56 billion, up 22.6% and Jerónimo Martins at EUR 912 million, down 0.3%.

The study, covering more than 200 Portuguese brands, shows that the one that grew the most was Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), that owns Macau´s BNU bank.

CGD´s value growth is estimated at 48.9% increase to EUR 636 million.

Only eight of the 25 most valuable companies saw their value fall compared to the previous report and the majority saw their financial value grow.


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