EDP Renewables Partners With Amazon Web Services


EDP Renováveis (EDPR), whose parent company EDP Portugal has China Three Gorges as itslargest shareholder, has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The partnership contemplates Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for future wind and solar power projects and the provision of cloud, technology and digital services.

Future collaboration will involve EDPR developing wind and solar power projects to be contracted through PPAs with AWS, which will begin operations in 2023-2025, mainly in the United States, Europe and Latin America.

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This agreement could potentially add to a total of 475 megawatts (MW) of PPAs already contracted between the two companies, according to a statement.

“This alliance reaffirms the importance that EDPR attributes not only to the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the economy, but also to the importance of digitalisation in companies, especially in a context such as the current one,” said Miguel Ángel Prado, Chief Operating Officer of EDPR.

For his part, Miguel Alava, Managing Director of AWS Iberia, stated, “The collaboration with EDPR will help toward our Climate Pledge commitment to reach net-zero carbon by 2040 and power our operations with 100% renewable energy by 2030, a target we are on a path to meet 5 years early by 2025.”

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