EDP to supply Banco do Brasil with solar plants


Portuguese energy group EDP, whose biggest shareholder is China Three Gorges, will supply Banco do Brasil with four photovoltaic solar plants.

With an installed capacity of 23 MW, these solar facilities will produce energy for 365 agencies of the financial entity and will add to three similar solar plants, EDP reported in a statement.

One of the new parks installed is the first for Banco do Brasil in the Northeast region and will supply nearly 140 branches of the institution, which will stop emitting 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide. In this park, 6,500 solar panels were installed, which will generate 8 GWh/year.

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The other three centers are located in the southern Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, Paraná and São Paulo.

The first plant was inaugurated by EDP in 2020 in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais and, in October, that park and another in the state of Pará (north) exceeded the 30GWh mark of energy produced.

“The success of that first project has now prompted the expansion of the model for the bank’s operations throughout the country”, EDP said.

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Banco do Brasil plans to inaugurate another 20 photovoltaic plants in 2023, which are already under construction, EDP said. In total, they expect to supply renewable energy to 1,400 agencies.

The company, which plans the production of distributed solar energy as one of its growth axes, has more than 80MWp installed in Brazil and more than 50MWp under construction.

Banco do Brasil is a Brazilian financial institution in which the Republic of Brazil has a 70% stake.


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