Europe and Brazil drive surging demand for Chinese solar modules


Solar module export volumes from China between January and October 2022 were up 86% year-on-year amid strong demand in Europe.

Sccording to a new report from the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, in terms of destinations for Chinese modules, the Netherlands ranked first with 26.8%, followed by Brazil (11.5%) and India (7.3%). Export proportions to Spain, Germany and Poland also increased significantly.

China’s PV manufacturing output of silicon materials, silicon wafers, cells and modules during the nine months increased by more than 42%.

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Silicon material output was 550,000 tons (a 52.8% increase year-on-year), silicon wafer output was 236GW (+43%), cell output was 209GW (+42.2%) and module output was 191GW (+46.9%).

However, when looking at monthly changes in export figures, Q4 shows a slowing trend, according to the report quoted by PV Tech.

In this context, the US, the European Union, India and others are actively promoting local manufacturing, with companies in these markets intending to overtake China by developing new technologies.

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In Europe, the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics was relaunched earlier this year. Due to run until 2025, the initiative will advise European policymakers and promote the development of PV technology.

The US Department of Energy recently announced a US$20 million Cadmium Telluride Accelerator Consortium aimed at expanding domestic production of cadmium telluride PV materials and modules to reduce the cost of cells.

Japanese companies regard perovskite products as a strong candidate for the new generation of solar cells as they strive to regain momentum in the PV product market.


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