European Chamber of Commerce in China Pushes for Return of Foreign SME Employees


The European Chamber of Commerce (ECC) in China is pushing for the lifting of entry restrictions for foreign nationals imposed by China in March, including teachers and workers and company employees.


On 6th July, ECC President Jörg Wuttke wrote a second letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi, requesting assistance to facilitate the return of foreign residents to China with a particular focus on teachers of international schools, small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employees, and their dependents.


According to the ECC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MFAs’) official response states that China is “deeply concerned about foreign businesses and strongly supports the resumption of European operations” in the country.


The MFA adds that China is prepared to show “pragmatism and flexibility to the greatest extent, all under the broader premise of public safety due to concerns about any possible resurgences”, the ECC adds.


The MFA’s response also displayed that China attaches great importance to the ECC´s concerns and is actively studying them so that relevant measures may be adjusted if the epidemic situation improves.


To the first letter from ECC President Wuttke sent to Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi on 9th April, the MFA responded indicating a ‘fast-track’ system solution for getting residents back to China.


The ECC says it “will continue to push for broader and swifter opening, so those who need to return to China can do so as soon as possible”.


Meanwhile, all of the European Chamber’s chapters have been engaging with relevant local authorities to clarify how supportive measures facilitating the return of foreign nationals to China will be implemented at the local level.


Photo: EU Chamber President Jorg Wuttke (EURObiz)

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