European Commission OKs joint control of Portugal´s Lusoponte by Mota-Engil


Portuguese construction company Mota-Engil, whose second largest shareholder is China’s CCCC, has been given approval by the European Commission (EC) for joint control of Lusoponte, concessionaire of the Lisbon´s two bridges.

Under the deal to take over the company that control´s Lisbon´s Vasco da Gama bridge and 25 de Abril bridge (pictured above), Lineas (Mota-Engil group) will partner with Vinci group.

According to a statement by the EC, the acquisition of joint control of Lusoponte by Lineas and by Vinci, based in France does not raise competition concerns, given its limited impact on the structure of the market.

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The new shareholder structure of Lusoponte, now approved by Brussels, comes after the departure of the Italian group Atlantia (formerly Autostrade).

Lineas manages holdings in road concessions, as well as in companies that participate in public and private contracts for road, rail and airport concessions, in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.

Vinci operates mainly in motorway concessions, mainly in France, in the fields of concessions and infrastructure, public works and civil engineering.

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