Former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff to lead BRICS bank


The Lula government agreed with its partners in the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to nominate former president Dilma Rousseff to head the New Development Bank (NBD).

Currently, the head of the NBD is diplomat Marcos Troyjo, appointed by former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

Lula had been seeking a position for Dilma. A nomination for an embassy, such as that of Portugal, was even evaluated.

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According to a direct adviser to Lula quoted by Globo newspaper, however, the decision was to appoint her to head the BRICS bank, which takes care of projects for the application of resources in the countries that make up the group.

Brazil has already obtained the approval of its partners to nominate Dilma for the post and her name should be made official this month.

Born in Belo Horizonte (MG), Dilma Rousseff is 75 years old and has a degree in economics.

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During the Lula administrations, she was Minister of Mines and Energy and Chief of Staff. In this capacity, she assumed the management of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), one of the government’s flagships. She was nicknamed by Lula the “mother of the PAC”.

In 2010, she was elected president, and in 2014, she was re-elected. In 2016, she was impeached and had her mandate revoked. In 2018, she ran for a Senate seat in Minas Gerais, but was not elected.

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