Forum Macao launches investment guides to Portuguese-speaking countries


Forum Macao is reaching out to businesses across China with a series of new bilingual guides encouraging investment in  Portuguese-speaking countries.

“The guides aim to encourage investment and trade from the business sector in Macao and China in Portuguese-speaking countries so that Macao can fully exercise its role as a platform,” said Ding Tian (pictured above), the Deputy Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) at a launch ceremony for the guides on Friday.

Ding said that the guides, in Chinese and Portuguese, from the eight Portuguese-speaking countries – Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste – were put together in collaboration with each country’s delegate at Forum Macao.

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The guides, produced by local company Macaulink and Portugal’s Ecosphere, present “all updated information (…) from the perspective of Chinese investors,” covering “incentives and benefits” for different sectors, “guarantees and preferential policies for investors” in terms of law, regulations and formalities, as well as the “tax regimes relating to the investment process,” Ding stressed.

Forum Macao will continue to explore “new areas and new models of cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as a multilateral mechanism that aims to promote Sino-Lusophone economic and commercial cooperation, with reciprocal benefits, in order to respond better to the existing global economic challenges and raise the economic and commercial cooperation and relations between the countries represented in Forum Macao to a new level,” said Ding.

Nuno Furtado, Cabo Verde’s delegate to the Forum, commented that the guide about his country, in addition to providing practical information, contributes to “greater knowledge of opportunities for investment” in Cabo Verde, providing Chinese investors with “a fundamental guidance instrument.”

Forum Macao was established by Beijing in order to strengthen the economic and trade relations between China and Portuguese speaking-countries using Macao as a platform for economic and trade cooperation between the nine countries.

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