Haitong Names Pan Guangtao New Chairman in Portugal


Haitong named Pan Guangtao as the new chairman of the board of directors for its investment bank in Portugal, keeping Wu Min as CEO.

The members of the board of Haitong Bank were elected at an extraordinary general meeting held on December 28th. They will fulfil a three-year mandate, which extends until 2025.

In addition to Wu Min, the board will include Xiaoli Lu as a new executive, retaining Alan Fernandes, Miguel Guiomar, Nuno Carvalho and Vasco Câmara Martins.

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Among the non-executive members,António Domingues, Martina García and Xinjun Zhang remain, while Maria do Rosario Ventura and Chen Xuemei join.

Haitong Bank, former BESI, was bought in 2015 by the Chinese group for EUR 380 million.

The investment bank had profits of EUR 4.5 million in the first half of the year, after losses of EUR 4 million recorded in the same period of 2022. At the end of June it managed an asset of EUR 3.5 billion.

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