Huawei Brings Home Study Solution to Angola


With students all over the world learning at home because of social confinement due to Covid-19, teaching has gone on-line more than ever. Chinese IT company Huawei has been actively promoting Home study solution, which has now become available in Angola.


The solution was presented this week in Luanda, through video conference, after having been in an experimental phase since April this year, and is allowing the creation of virtual classrooms in real time, for the training of students, in the African country.


According to Huawei Angola, the solution will be in effect over a six-month period, helping students enrolled in seven educational institutions: the institutes of Telecommunications (Itel), of Information and Communication Technologies (Isutic), Metropolitan Polytechnic (Imetro), Police Sciences (ISCP), the Catholic University of Angola and the Integrated Technological Training Center (Cinfotec).


Luís Gonçalves, Huawei representative, said that more educational institutions, out of a total of seven, could enter the program this year, and some processes that conform the certification are already underway.


Huawei Angola intends, in partnership with the Government, to train, this year, 2,500 Angolan professionals in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The company, which has been operating in Angola for 20 years, also guarantees to certify 300 professional engineers.



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