Huawei Ban From Portugal´s 5G “an Exclusively Technical Decision”


Huawei´s exclusion from Portugal´s 5G [fifth generation mobile] networks is “an exclusively technical decision”, the european country’s minister of foreign affairs reiterated.

After China warned that “breaking ties” only “harms the most vulnerable”, minister João Gomes Cravinho said this matter is “non-negotiable”.

It is “an exclusively technical decision; a decision based on technical criteria using elements coming from the European Union”, the minister stressed.

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“We will always take the decisions that are important for safeguarding our security and our sovereignty, and in that matter, there is no negotiation possible,” Cravinho said.

The European Commission has also said this week that the measures taken by 10 European Union (EU) member States to restrict / ban high-risk suppliers of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks – such as Huawei and ZTE and others – were “justified and appropriate”.

The Commission has equally praised the findings of Portuguese authorities who have showed they see every reason to fall in line with Europe’s lead. “Threats have no place in Europe“, said a source for the Commission.

China´s Huawei Unaware of Portugal´s Government Intentions to Ban It From 5G network

Despite the risk of tension now in relations with China, Gomes Cravinho stressed that Portugal continues to look to the Asian giant as “a partner in many, many matters“.

“We have a strong and old relationship with China, which over the years, over the centuries, has gone through several different moments, some easier, some more difficult”.

Indeed, the minister said he plans to visit China in late 2023 or early 2024 and that there is an ongoing dialogue on issues included in the agreement between Portugal and China on Macau’s return to Chinese sovereignty.

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“We are satisfied with that dialogue, which does not mean that we are satisfied with all the points,” he stressed.

Last week, Huawei accused the European Commission of “discriminatory judgments” when it concluded that the restrictions applied to it by 10 EU countries, which considered it a high-risk supplier for 5G networks, were justified and appropriate.

“Huawei strongly opposes and disagrees with the comments made by representatives of the European Commission. It is clear that this is not based on a verified, transparent, objective and technical assessment of 5G networks”, says the Chinese manufacturer.


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