Huawei ICT Academy Arrives in Portugal


Huawei is launching it´s ICT Academy in Portugal, after signing a memorandum of understanding in May with the University of Aveiro and the country´s Telecommunications Institute for the installation of an infrastructure dedicated to the development of 5G and Artificial Intelligence.


According to a statement from Huawei Portugal, the ICT Academy will bring university plans “closer to the reality of technology companies”, while supporting the transition to a digital economy.


Launched in June, the ICT Academy will provide access to Huawei knowledge, “as well as the latest technological innovations in areas as diverse as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and 5G”, the statement says.


Huawei signed in May an agreement with the University of Aveiro and the Telecommunications Institute, in order to test new concepts and industry solutions in partnership with academia.


The ICT Academy´s work contemplates the creation of content and the provision of new courses and training, with the certification of teachers about digital transformation.


According to the company, Portugal´s universities will now gain access to “a more structured and evolved program, which incorporates much of the best practices, from Huawei’s innovation and know-how”.


Originally created in 2013 to promote partnerships with university institutions that meet the requirements of the ICT labor market, the ICT Academy took its first steps outside China in 2014, in Spain, at the University of Alicante.


In 2015, it was extended to the University of Reading (UK), through a training and research center for executives in areas related to big data, cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence. As a result of this partnership, this academy attracted more than 150 students to participate in courses with the Huawei ICT Associate certification, and in 2019 it was officially recognized as one of the most successful in the world.


The Chinese company’s international program, which has USD 50 million in funding over the next five years, through the ICT Academy Development Incentive Fund (ADIF), is currently present in 72 countries across four continents.


After six years of activity, it has more than 900 academies and 1200 teachers, supporting more than 45 thousand students annually, according to the company.


Huawei is spearheading chinese efforts to lead in the 5G global market, with strong opposition from the US.



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