Huawei to Train Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Staff in 5G


Huawei will provide training in state-of-the-art Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), including 5G, to staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Angola, under a new bilateral agreement.


The Memorandum of Understanding between Huawei and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Angola was signed on 21 August, in Luanda,  providing 500 hours of ICT training to 50 civil servants, about “the latest technologies”, according to a statement from the MFA.


“The training will include 5G motivation and industry progress, data communication networks and development trends, cloud computing, basic concepts and technology, the engine in the digital age, cutting edge technology and trends and artificial intelligence”, the statement adds.


Angolan government ICT-related staff will also be provided 3000 hours of Huawei certification training and participate in Huawei certification exams.


“The training actions aim to provide the best practices in the world, to improve the Ministry’s efficiency and experience, and to help improve the digital infrastructure, based on the IdeaHub videoconferencing system and Wi- Fi6, in order to respond to the Ministerial Department’s office requirements and work scenarios”, the statement adds.


The deal was signed by the Angolan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Esmeralda Mendonça, and by the Director-General of Huawei, Chu Xiaoxin.


According to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the deal “will be an asset for the MFA especially due to the staff training component, and answers MIREX’s strategy of increasing the professional level of the staff, in order to respond with courage to current challenges, both at the level of bilateral relations and at the multilateral level”.


“The current moment that the world is undergoing, as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, has demanded from everyone an urgent need to redesign new forms of communication and interaction, and ICTs have played a predominant role, in view of the distance we have been obliged to observe”, Mendonça added.


Chu Xiaoxin expressed enormous satisfaction at signing the document, which he considered an important step in strengthening relations between the company and the MFA.


The head of the Chinese technology company, who was accompanied by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Angola, Gong Tao, was also received in an audience by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António.


Photo: Huawei event in Luanda, Angola

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