Huawei to Train Angolan Ministry of Science Staff in Telecom and IT


Chinese tech company Huawei will train Angolan Ministry of Science Staff in telecommunications and information technologies, under a bilateral deal signed this week in Luanda.


The minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI) of Angola, Maria do Rosário Sambo, said Wednesday at the signing of the memorandum of understanding that it will allow “improvement of the teaching and learning process” in the sector.


According to Sambo, the main goal of the deal with Huawei is to “allow, ultimately, improvement in terms of human and infrastructure training in the higher education subsystem”.


With the “training of teachers and employees” at MESCTI, the goal is to “improve the teaching and learning process, not only of teachers, but also of equipping educational establishments that have training provision in the field of information and communication technologies”, the minister added.


The agreement also provides for Huawei to support the sector with equipment and the consequent installation, in addition to the repair of existing infrastructure, as well as the creation of mechanisms with Huawei for the evaluation of courses in the area of ​​information and communication technologies in the country.


At the event, Huawei Technologies rotating president, Eric Xu, said the African market is one of the most important for the Chinese company, that “believes that education, especially higher education, is a cornerstone for the development of each country”.


“Especially in terms of using ‘computing’ technology, artificial intelligence, connectivity, the communication network to facilitate communication and teaching (…) we will invest more in this aspect to build a more connected and more advanced Africa”, the Huawei representative added.


Huawei, Xu said, wants “to expand cooperation with higher education and innovation entities”, and namely “to expand training of talent and technology engineers at some universities”.


Huawei is building a technology park in Luanda with a budget of USD 60 million, that will have three main centers in the park: for innovation, for public and private entities and ministries, and an experience center to accompany and bring the newest and most advanced technologies to the Angolan market, Xu added.


Under a recently signed bilateral deal, Huawei will also provide training in state-of-the-art Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), including 5G, to staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Angola.


Photo: Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI) of Angola,Maria do Rosário Sambo

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