Imports of Chinese Cars in Brazil Grew 717% Until June

China took the lead in car sales in Brazil in the first half of 2024, with 129,933 vehicles sold from January to June, an increase of 717% over the same period last year, according to data from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC).

This represents 57.5% of all passenger cars imported by Brazil in the period, making China overtake Argentina, until then the biggest seller of cars to Brazil.

According to the report, in the first half of 2023, Brazil imported 15,894 cars from China, while in the first half of 2024, the number of cars sold by the Chinese totaled USD 2.6 billion, setting a record.

Cars with combustion engines lead the number of vehicles imported by Brazil, with 76,774 units, and electric cars come second, with 68,499, of which 62,613 cars, 91.4% of the total in the first half of 2024, were sold by China.

The Chinese earned USD 1.2 billion from the sale of electric cars to Brazil in 2024, which represents 97.8% of all vehicles of this type sold by the Asian country to Brazil in history.

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