Kinlong Hardware Products Relocating Operations in Portugal to Industrial Hub


China’s Kinlong Hardware Products is relocating all of the operations of its Portuguese subsidiary Cifial to a single industrial hub, where it is investing in new equipment, process efficiency and new products.

Real estate consultants Cushman & Wakefield and Savills were mandated by the group to sell the other two units of the century-old manufacturer of faucets and ceramics, in Santa Maria da Feira and Santa Comba Dão, in the district of Viseu.

Cifial, headquartered in Rio Meão (Santa Maria da Feira), was purchased in 2012 by the ECS Capital recovery fund and was sold to the Chinese group Kinlong in the last quarter of 2019 after a restructuring process.

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According to the real estate consultants, “the Bodo hub, in Santa Maria da Feira, and the Santa Comba Dão hub, in Viseu, will offer around 24,403 square meters (m2) and 17,373 m2 of area for industrial warehouses”.

The Cifial factory “accumulates more than a century of knowledge and industrial experience, in which it has always sought to invest permanently in product and process engineering, combining the use of design and the functionality of its solutions, as strategic tools, confirmed by the recognition awarded with several international awards”, add the consultants.

“Both poles (…) will allow companies, which have our country on their radar, to set up a production unit in a very short space of time. On the other hand, the locations where these assets are located, have an industrial heritage that offers future occupants access to a workforce with high know-how and qualification”, stresses Pedro Figueiras, Head of I&L at Savills Portugal .



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