Korea International Cooperation Agency finances climate warning system in Mozambique


Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) will finance a new climate warning system in Mozambique, worth USD 7.5 million.

The Mozambican government, through the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, and the National Institute of Risk and Disaster Management said the deal with KOICA for the modernization of flood and drought warning in the country foresees the implementation by 2025.

The new system will provide early responses to floods, an initiative that will help just over 200,000 inhabitants of the Licungo watershed region in Zambézia province.

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Mozambique is cyclically affected by natural disasters, with extreme climatic manifestations, especially droughts, floods and cyclones, with often catastrophic effects for the economy and society. Recently, the country witnessed devastation caused by floods due to cyclones Idai, Kenneth, Eloise, and was affected by Tropical Depression Ana.

According to Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, João Machatine, the signing of the MoU is a ‘turning of the page’ in the water resources management component, helping the main actors in this sector to “perform meticulous monitoring, making correct forecasts and avoiding greater damage”.

“This investment will therefore allow farmers to have timely information so that their crops, their inputs and their equipment are not lost with the floods; it will allow the populations that are still in the risk areas to leave these places before the occurrence of these events, it will allow the various sectors – commerce, education, health and others – to be able, in a timely manner, to carry out the logistics and provisioning of these inputs”, Machatine added.


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