Legal Update/Angola: Port Tariff Regulations in Angola

Angola has altered the Regulation of Port Tariffs, which came into force on December 6th, according to official legal database Legis-PALOP+TL.

Vessels operating in the area of jurisdiction of the Ports of Angola are, since that date, subject to the following maximum fees allowed to be charged by concessionaires:
⦁ Pilotage (mandatory for vessels with a tonnage greater than 500 dgt): Tariff up to USD 0.05 / tab; Fee of USD 150.00 per maneuver, for using the pilot’s speedboat;
⦁ Entrance and parking: fee up to USD 0.022 / tab day and minimum USD 50.00.
⦁ Trailers: rate up to USD 1250 / hour;
⦁ Dockage: fee up to USD 3.50 / m day;
⦁ Mooring: rate up to USD 55.00 / service;
⦁ Goods: tariff up to USD 44.4 / ton;
⦁ Traffic: tariff up to USD 11.20 / ton;
⦁ Port usage: tariff up to USD 12.00 / ton;
⦁ Storage: tariff up to USD 6.25 / ton day;
⦁ Storage (containers): fee up to USD 45.00 / 20 feet day;

Legal Update/Angola: Minimum share capital of Banking Financial Institutions

In addition to the above tariffs, payment of fees is due for boarding or disembarking passengers, rental of equipment (cranes), supplies of water, electricity and forms, documents and photocopies, as well as fees for preventing and combating environmental pollution such as fees for collection, treatment and management of waste, collection of hydrocarbon and oil residues in the port area and ships, collection of solid waste in the port area and fuel supply.


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