Legal Update/ Mozambique: Export Certificates for Rough Diamonds and for Precious Metals and Gemstones


Ministerial Diploma No. 78/2021 of 17 August, which approves the Kimberley Process Certificate Model for rough diamonds and the Certificate of Origin Model for precious metals and gemstones, has entered into force, according to official legal database Legis-PALOP+TL.

As of August 17, 2021, it is prohibited to export:
– Rough diamonds without the respective Kimberley Process Certificate; and
– Precious metals and gemstones without the corresponding Certificate of Origin.

Both the Kimberley Process Certificate for rough diamonds and the Certificate of Origin for precious metals and gemstones are issued by the Kimberley Process Management Unit under the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy.

This is in accordance with the Marketing Regulations for Precious Metal, Diamonds and Gemstones, approved by Decree No. 25/2015, of 20 November, Legis-PALOP+TL adds.


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