Legal Update/Mozambique: Regulation for the Registration of Telecommunications Services

Mozambique has approved the Regulation for the Registration of Telecommunications Services Subscribers, according to official legal database Legis-PALOP+TL.

As of April 11, 2023, the following operators, agents and providers will have to fulfill new obligations, under penalty of fines that may amount to around 30,000,000 Meticais (around USD 450,000). Obligations for perators of public telecommunications services:
⦁ Submit the registration process and system for validation by the National Institute of Communications of Mozambique (INCM), Regulatory Authority for the Postal and Telecommunications Sectors;
⦁ Keep up to date all records made in its databases and in the B-PIN, i.e. the unique database that contains all the registration data of subscribers, agents, Communication Devices, Subscriber Identification Module, Operators and Service Providers;
⦁ Share information with the Risk Center to identify irregular situations;
⦁ Have an up-to-date electronic database;
⦁ Have tools to monitor the behavior of records with a view to identifying fraudulent situations;
⦁ Make available to the INCM, whenever requested, any data and/or information regarding the registrations made;
⦁ Ensuring the confidentiality of registration data and all associated information;
⦁ Guarantee the protection of data and systems associated with the registration process, ensuring their reliability and accessibility whenever necessary;
⦁ Use the Single Telecommunications Number (NUTEL).

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Obligations for distributing agents and or resellers:
⦁ Register and have a contractual bond as an agent with the operator to which it is associated;
⦁ Serve as an intermediary in the commercialization and/or distribution of the Operator’s Communication Device and Subscriber Identification Modules to which it is associated, when it comes to the registration of Subscribers;
⦁ Not to use subscribers’ data for different purposes;
⦁ Refrain from owning and selling Subscriber Identification Modules registered in the name of another;
⦁ Register subscribers correctly.

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Obligations for providers of public services based on telecommunications networks:
⦁ Validate with the B-PIN and the Risk Center, the access data referring to the subscriber, Subscriber Identification Module and/or Communication Device, whenever it intends to provide a service based on telecommunications networks;
⦁ Provide information to all its users about the mandatory validation of data relating to registration in the transactions they carry out.
For consultation and validation of subscribers with the Risk Central and B-PIN, operators and providers must pay fees of up to 20 Meticais (about USD 0.30).


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