Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory Rolling Out Promising IT Start-Ups

Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory, opened in 2023, is rolling out promising IT start-ups, targeting Portuguese-speaking countries and the global market.

Sports-tech scaleup, Splink, is set to launch operations in Brazil with a strategic focus on leveraging the deep-rooted love of soccer of Brazilians.

Splink is a pioneering tech company dedicated to connecting sports fans with their favorite clubs through immersive experiences and official physical collectibles from sports teams. In order to enhance connections between teams and supporters, the company offers a range of official, interactive collectibles that allow fans to showcase their support and preserve memories of their beloved players and clubs.

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The tech products integrate Augmented Reality and gather real data that enables teams to monetize their fan base more efficiently.

Exemplifying the innovative character of Portuguese scaleups supported by Unicorn Factory Lisboa is sports-tech company BHOUT, that was recently mentioned in Time Magazine as one of the best innovations in 2023 for developing the first AI-powered boxing bag that is laced with sensors and comes with a 3D computer vision camera.

Flutter Entertainment Plc, the parent company of another Portuguese sports-tech scaleup, Blip Portugal, just got listed on the NYSE as the world’s leading online sports betting and gaming operator, in January 2024.

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Symbolizing its commitment to becoming a unicorn hub, Lisbon is replacing all the horse statues in the city with unicorns. Since Lisbon won the European Capital of Innovation award, the city’s unicorns stand for innovation that powers growth.

The transformation of Lisbon’s landscape is thus starting with the placement of 7 iconic unicorn statues throughout the city, starting with Praça do Comércio at Lisbon’s waterfront.



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