Macau Association of Banks and CE-CPLP Sign Agreement to Boost Sino-Lusophone Trade

by: Jessica Ferreira

The Macau Association of Banks (MAB) and the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community Business Confederation (CE-CPLP) signed a deal to promote closer cooperation in the financial, banking and commercial sectors.

The Memorandum was signed on the last day of the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, by CE-CPLP´s delegate for China and Macau, Carmen Wu (pictured above, left), and Ip Sio Kai, chairman MAB (right).

The deal aims to promote closer cooperation between the two parties in the financial, banking and commercial sectors, while positioning Macao as a key platform for promoting services, and boosting the trade between Portuguese-speaking Countries and the People’s Republic of China, according to CE-CPLP.

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During the Conference, held at the Service Platform Complex for Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in Macao, 20 new initiatives covering six areas were announced.

These include cooperation in trade and investment, human resources, and healthcare, as well as industrial cooperation, development cooperation, and cooperation regarding Macao as a platform.

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