Macau company supports the promotion of Cabo Verde in Asia


Bringbuys Web Technology will help promote Cabo Verde in Asia through a new portal to be developed following a protocol signed at the Macau International Fair (MIF 2019), said Ana Lima Barber, president of the Cape Verdean trade and investment promotion agency.


“This is the way we have found a much more direct promotional tool. We must adopt an aggressive stance. Cabo Verde is present, it wants to win and it will win because it has every opportunity,” Cabo Verde’s TradeInvest president told Macauhub on the sidelines of MIF.


CV TradeInvest and Bringbuys Web Technology, an information technology company based in Macau, at the end of 2018 signed an agreement to set up a technology hub in Cabo Verde, with plans for penetration in other West African countries.


At the time, a source from the Chinese company told Macau magazine that the protocol initially includes building a world-class cloud computing centre in Cabo Verde, an investment of between US$5 million and US$20 million to create an experimental centre, which will provide support to the government, notably in road safety and citizen services, in addition to creating “big data” services.


Following this pilot project, the investment could reach US$50 million in a second phase, in an industrial park to train local staff and to incubate companies, according to the same source.


The new protocol between Bringuys and the Cape Verdean authorities, signed on 17 October on the sidelines of MIF 2019, covers development and a portal to open up opportunities to companies in China and other Asian countries in the Cape Verdean market, complementing the CV TradeInvest website, which already has information in Chinese, among other languages.


According to Barber, the Bringuys project is “excellent” because it “allows us to reach the African market through Cabo Verde,” which “fits naturally” in the country’s priorities of becoming a platform between continents and also a reference in information technologies.


“Our strategic location allows us to have several areas of technology such as submarine cables that can be anchored in Cabo Verde,” allowing the country to “play a focal role in the world,” across the American, African and European continents.


With a delegation headed by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Alexandre Monteiro, Cabo Verde attended the 24th edition of MIF with 22 companies from all 9 islands, and was a guest country, along with the Chinese province of Jiangsu.

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