Mozambique Opens Digital Forensic Laboratory Supported by China


Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) has officially opened a digital forensic laboratory, a project supported by China.

Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique Wang Hejun underscored at the inauguration ceremony the cooperation between China and Mozambique in promoting peace and security.

The laboratory’s equipment will enhance the capabilities of the Mozambican police, ultimately contributing to the country’s public security, he said.

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The new laboratory will enhance Mozambique’s capacity to produce evidence crucial for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, Interior Minister Pascoal Ronda said Thursday .

He added that the modern technological means used in committing crimes necessitate specialized tools for effective response, and this laboratory is a key part of the government’s efforts to modernize SERNIC.

Director General of SERNIC Nelson Rego said the laboratory will help overcome limitations in investigating various types of crimes, including drug trafficking and financial fraud, which often involve complex electronic evidence.


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