Mozambique’s Tmcel to Adopt Huawei LTE 5G Technology


Mozambique’s telecom Tmcel will adopt Huawei’s LTE 5G Technology under an ongoing bilateral partnership.

As part of its transformation into a digital company, Tmcel-Mozambique Telecom announced the launch of LTE 5G technology and the expansion of the current 4G (LTE) to the rest of the country.

In partnership with Huawei, the Mozambican telecom has invested USD 23 million in modernizing the network in the cities of Maputo and Matola, with a qualitative improvement in data and voice transmission.

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Tmcel’s CEO, Mahomed Rafique Jusob, said the implementation of the latest generation 5G technology, as well as the 4G network expansion, is in the testing phase in Maputo and Matola.

“If everything goes according to schedule, the necessary equipment will arrive in the country within a month, which will allow the company to operate in the entire network in the parameters of LTE 4G technology”, he said, quoted by the local press.

“We are almost concluding a very important financing process for the modernization and complementarity of the network, the so-called high-capacity fiber optic network”, he emphasized, Jusob added.

Tmcel also relaunched the completely modernized Mkesh mobile e-payment portfolio.

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